Przemek Pietrzyk

partner, legal counsel

Przemysław Pietrzyk, legal adviser. Master of Law degree awarded by the Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Krakow; graduate of the School of American Law at the Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of Law and Administration, and the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law. Specialises in the law of obligations and business contracts, as well as in labour law. He cooperates with the leading manufacturers in the motor, electronic and machine industries. Speaks English.

Przemek Pietrzyk

Driving a car may seemingly be far apart from a legal adviser’s work. Is it really? The roar of a motor, the screech of the tyres… “Dynamic driving requires lots of dexterity as well as composure. It gives you the thrill of risk, where the slightest manoeuvre has its consequences. Likewise at work – I am most satisfied when I can help our Clients get wherever they are heading as promptly and safely as possible”. For most organisations prompt answers and ready solutions to the questions and problems they voice is of paramount importance. What you need to ensure, is an ability to effectively combine promptness with adequate risk assessment.